Solutions to Protect Your Livelihood

A Legacy system can protect the business property, employees, and assets

you've worked so hard to develop. Every business has unique needs. 

We're experienced in a wide range of business security solutions;

 from small offices to large warehouses, restaurants to family farms. 

You never have to worry whether your business was properly closed up for the night again! Access your system from a smartphone, tablet, or computer to remotely arm or disarm the system. You can easily set up alerts to notify you of important events like a door left open, or the power going out.


Add video surveillance to monitor important areas and provide additional protection against theft. You can set up triggers so that motion sensor activity will record events on crystal clear video, day or night, indoors or out. Log into your camera system any time to review video on your computer or smartphone.

Our UL certified monitoring center will alert police or fire departments 24/7 in case of emergency and can notify you of changes in temperature, carbon monoxide, and flooding. Keep your business safe and secure with Legacy Security. Contact us for a quote today!